A digression – and a dive into football kit fantasy

I’m not one of those football fans who spends his whole time looking back. Oh who am I kidding, of course I am, that’s why you’re here. Updates on the patch will resume shortly, but meanwhile I’ve given my wistfulness a different outlet, on Denis Hurley’s brilliant Museum of Jerseys site (Denis writes about a lot of subjects I find interesting – I wrote a post about CM 89/90 on his squad numbers blog).

I’m a Liverpool fan, and that’s why I wish every season could be 1989/90 – not just because that was the last league title, but because they had great adidas kits, as I believe the club always should. That particular spell with adidas ended in 1996, so I imagined – with the help of Denis’s brilliant illustrations – what the kits would have been like had that hiatus not happened.

Read the post on Museum of Jerseys to see what I came up with. I’m planning

to cover the current, hopefully temporary hiatus, in another post soon.

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