We are hosting a fun, challenging but accessible football quiz in London on October 20th!
It will be held at the Sir Christopher Hatton pub, in Chancery Lane, from 8pm. There is space for 10-12 teams of up to 6 people. Entrance is free, so If you’re interested, and can come along, complete the form below to book your place. You can sign up as a team of up to 6 – as an individual or a small team you can offer to be paired with other players. This is a precursor to a potential quiz league, so hopefully there’ll be more to come.
All places for teams are now filled, but still fill in the form to join the waiting list in case anyone drops out. Additionally, if the waiting list is sufficiently large, we may find another venue for a second event.
The pub can be found at 4 Leather Ln, London EC1N 7RA
For any enquiries, contact londonfootballquizleague@gmail.com